Eco-friendly, Safe and Cost-efficient Lithium-ion and Sodium-ion Batteries (ESC-LiSiBs)

Eco-friendly, Safe and Cost-efficient Lithium-ion and Sodium-ion Batteries (ESC-LiSiBs)

The objective of the project is the development of Eco-friendly, Safe, and Cost-Efficient Lithium-ion and Sodium-ion Batteries.

First, our concern is the synthesis of Novel and High Energy Density Phosphate cathodes using facile preparation routes. To this end, eco-friendly and low-cost Iron (II) based Phosphates are targeted. Advanced characterizations in collaboration with international groups (KIT, University of Pau, SESAME) was implemented for deep understandings of the electrochemical behavior of the prepared materials.

Second, this project consists of the formulation of Novel Solid-State Electrolytes (SSEs) for All-solid-state batteries and testing them using the in-house prepared cathodes.